Best Easy to Start Online Business Ideas-Ideas That Actually Works-

Mangesh Supe

by Mangesh Supe· Updated May 03 2023

Best Easy to Start Online Business Ideas-Ideas That Actually Works-

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What kind of business is online? Can I do this with just one computer?
You may not know what this is if you have never done it before.
You will agree with me when I say; There is no such thing as a profitable business.

At first, I thought it was shady too, but nowadays, businesses using the Internet have become quite widespread, and there are even people who earn more than $1 million a month with just one computer.
There are even people who make more than $1 million month with just one computer. If things go well, it is possible to start your own business on your own.
This article will explain online business as an idea for starting a business and its kind of business.

table of contents

  1. Start a business with just one computer. What is an internet business?
    1. What kind of internet business is there?
  2. Ideas for starting a business in internet business
    1. Resale business
    2. Product sales
    3. Crowdsourcing
    4. Youtube
    5. affiliate
    6. Stock investment, FX, virtual currency
  3. What is easy to earn in the internet business?
    1. Resale business
    2. Crowdsourcing
  4. Internet business as an entrepreneurial idea
    1. Internet business is relatively low risk.
    2. However, it is important to continue.

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What is an online business?

With the recent ban on side jobs, there has been a lot of attention paid to online businesses that allow you to earn money with just one computer.

Internet business uses the Internet to generate revenue and income, and there are various ways and means to do so.

There are a variety of ways and means to do this. Many of them are very easy to do as a side business, and most of them have the advantage that you can start without spending much money.

What kind of internet business is there?

  • resale
  • Product sales
  • Crowdsourcing
  • Youtube
  • affiliate
  • Stocks, FX, virtual currencies


What I'm practicing right now is Youtube and affiliates. I've done FX and flea market resale in the past.

Ideas for starting an online business

This section will explain what you will do and more for those interested in starting an online business.

resale business

Resale is an easy entry point to online business.

People start by selling their unwanted items around them on online market or auction sites in most cases.

The main methods are

Sell your unwanted items on online market and auction sites.

Buy on online market sites and sell on auction sites

Buy on an auction site and sell on a flea market site

Buy on the online market and auction sites and sell on online shopping malls.

Buy at a physical store and sell online


Some import or export from any country to sell. On the other hand, some buy domestically and sell outside the country.

The resale business is about taking advantage of the disparity in market prices in each market. You can 

 find the price difference between the two markets, buy the product, and sell it 

 in the market where you can sell it at a higher price.

This is the resale business.

Product Sales

It's similar to a resale business, but it's about selling something you've made or done yourself.

These days, you can create your online store for free on sites.



Handmade sweets



Some things can be priced as an extension of your hobby, such as

It's great fun to be able to turn your love into money, and it's simply lovely to know that someone is happy with it.

I also use the BASE as my store, and it's straightforward to use. There is a small sales fee, but the biggest advantage is that it's free. I recommend it if you are thinking about selling products.


Crowdsourcing is a system for receiving and ordering work and tasks via the Internet.

What kind of work do you have to do?


Web Design

Print design


These are the main tasks.

One of the advantages of crowdsourcing is that you can directly use your everyday work experience.

This means that you can earn an income while making use of your day job and the skills you have acquired so far.

Crowdsourcing has also become more common in the past few years, so if you have experience in programming, design, or writing, I can recommend it.


Youtube can also be considered an online business.

People who transmit on Youtube are called YouTubers, and the top people's income is said to be several hundred million to several tens of billion of dollars per year.

Youtube is particularly vibrant this year, with celebrities entering the market.

YouTube/Video Marketing will be an essential skill in 2024. 

It is expected to expand as a market, and the trend of internet business will be to mix media with SNS based on Youtube.

More and more people are watching, and the number of people sending out messages is increasing little by little. However, the number of people who send out notifications is still overwhelmingly small, so this is a market where there are opportunities.

It's not just a matter of uploading videos, but since February 2018, there has been a hurdle for monetization: 1,000 channel subscribers and 4,000 hours of video playback per year.

It takes a long time to achieve this, and I think it's a bit of a long way to go before you can monetize.

Youtube is currently saturated with variety of videos, but there are positions for business and know-how videos, so if you have the know-how and skills to teach others, I think I can recommend it.

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is a business model in which you post advertisements in email newsletters, blogs, etc.

You can receive a fee for posting the promotions and advertising fees when your products sell.

To become an affiliate, you must first register with an Affiliate Service Provider (ASP) that handles advertising and create a blog site or email newsletter.

Affiliate marketing is a business that can be done with just one computer, and the cost is only about the price of a website server or a mail magazine stand, so it's easy to start with less than $10 per month.

However, the reality is that only a handful of people make more than $1000 per month as an affiliate, and most people make less than a few thousand dollar.

Some aspects of blog affiliate marketing are challenging to succeed in, such as needing knowledge of SEO to rank high in searches or simply not updating your site continuously.

It's a good idea to register in this area. It's free to register with any of them. 

Stock investment, FX, virtual currency

For a long time, I did stocks and currency exchange through retail brokerage firms, but now it is common to buy and sell through online brokerage firms using smartphones and computers.

Since you are investing in financial assets, you need to have a certain amount of capital. Also, if the price moves in the opposite direction of what you are trying to buy or sell, you may incur a loss, often resulting in a loss of principal.

It also depends on the global economy and political situation and requires a specific technique and knowledge.

There are more and more online securities that allow you to start with a small amount, so you might as well give it a try.

Nevertheless, please keep in mind that you may run out of funds, so you should invest in surplus assets.

There are many online securities companies in Japan and abroad.

I recommend XM trading for foreign FX accounts and Securities for domestic funds.

I used XMtrading, which was easy to use because it has trading tools and automated trading software.

What is the easiest way to make money in online business?

In the end, what is the easiest way to make money with the business ideas I have introduced so far, but to be honest, they all have their difficulties?

In my own opinion, the easiest way to make money is to

1. resale business

2. crowdsourcing

That's right.

resale business

The easiest way to make money out of the ones I have introduced is through the resale business.

The good thing is that it is straightforward to understand because it is a simple system of earning revenue by selling goods that you can see and hold in your hands.

You can start by selling unused items around you, and when you get the hang of it, you can stock up.

It's like researching and selling products that sell.

The resale business can provide you with the necessary know-how of business and entrepreneurship, so if you are thinking of starting a business, I recommend you give it a try.

I've tried it myself, and even if I just did it on my own, I could make $5000 to $15000 per month.


Crowdsourcing is a great way to turn your skills and experience into money.

You can use your knowledge and experience to get work, and if you are successful, you can get orders continuously.

If you can use what you are good at and turn it into a job, you can start your own business as a freelancer.

In my case, I have participated in competitions for flyers, business card designs, and logo creation. It wasn't always easy because other participants often won the competition, but I'm glad I did because I could use the experience I gained there for the next time.

You will need to do a lot of work, but why not try to get one order first?

Internet Business as an Entrepreneurial Idea

Online business is relatively low risk.

For those who want to start their own business, I think that online business is a good business idea that can be done with relatively low risk.

Financial investments such as stock investments, FX, and virtual currencies are risky, but freelancers can do other businesses. 

I think you can start as a sole proprietorship, and when you get on track, you can incorporate your business and hire staff to help you grow.

Affiliates and Youtube, which are business models based on advertising income, can be started with just one computer, or even one smartphone, depending on how you do it, so it can be said that there is no risk at all.

However, it is essential to continue.

As with anything you do, it's essential to keep going.

If you want to be lazy, you can be lazy as much as you want.

I think that online business is basically about sending out your message and being proactive.

As I think about blogging, if you don't do it, you don't have to do it. However, if you want to earn the revenue you wish to, you must update your blog every day, or at least once every few days.

Whether or not you can continue to do so will determine whether you can earn a profit.

I need the ability to keep going, even when I fall behind, and the ability to find and improve on issues.

If you're interested in online business, I think it's a good idea to give it a try, just as a preliminary exercise before starting your own business.

It's an area that's chock-full of necessary skills to set up a real business in this day and age, so it won't go to waste.

In my case, I have gained a lot of experience and knowledge from the crossover between a real business and the Internet, and I think it has been quite beneficial.

Most people will probably be satisfied with this article and not take action, but if you are interested, take action first.

So that's it for this time.
