Easy Ways to Make Money Quickly

Mangesh Supe

by Mangesh Supe· Updated May 03 2023

Easy Ways to Make Money Quickly

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Let's get right to the point, you're interested in this article basically because you want to know how to make money online. If you want to make a substantial income online, but don't want to buy a series of training courses, then this is the right place!

This is our summary of the ultimate guide, no personal information is required, there are no common schemes, and no products are peddled. We've shared everything we've learned over the past few years about product distribution, online courses, affiliate marketing, virtual assistants and more, but one of the best ways to make money online is to launch your own blog. For this reason, we've put together a series of site building tutorials to help you understand how to create a blog, get traffic, and ultimately convert it into profits.

Image source Depositphotos

Of course, making money online is not easy and you have to work hard, breaking through all kinds of difficulties and failures along the way. However, the Internet offers countless possibilities for building a sustainable online business regardless of your age, location and background.

Over the past few years, we have been working on the best ways to create sustainable online revenue and pursuing the dream of self-employment, and all of our successes and failures have given us a clear understanding of what works practically.

With over 3.2 billion people now using the Internet, we live in an age where we are no longer limited to geographic location or cultural language. There are hundreds of practical ways to make money online: online surveys, renting/selling used clothes, cross-border shopping, Taobao stores, etc. But please don't fall into the trap of making easy money.

There is no single method that can help you achieve quick riches online.

Most of the shortcuts people talk about to make money online are not real business models. Sure, some may help you make thousands or even tens of thousands of dollars at once, but they won't help you achieve financial freedom or give you full control over your lifestyle.

The Internet offers many opportunities for forward-thinking individuals and businesses, but it also leads to strong market competition. We must keep in mind one immutable fact: the only way to make money sustainably online is a combination of time, effort, sweat and tears. This is not alarmist talk and we will focus on how to create real, sustainable online income, not just a few bucks, but a stable source of income for long-term success.

Through years of hands-on research and experience, we have found the following methods to be the most likely to create a steady stream of income. Of course, you'll need to put in a lot of work, and if you're willing to put in the work, you'll certainly be able to change your life - just like we did.

Now, let's take a look at the ultimate guide to making money online.

  1. Create a website and use affiliate marketing

If you are interested in a particular industry, then you can build an online blog around it and use affiliate marketing to make money. Of course, learning how to create a blog (let alone make money from it) can be an exceptionally daunting task for most people. For this reason, we've put together a series of introductory tutorials, and first, you need to start with this article: How to Build a Personal Blog Site.

Once you've launched your blog (or niche site), the next step is to determine which products and companies to partner with in order to provide potential readers with relevant, useful, and profitable products. This takes time and effort, and basically, it means: which companies are willing to pay for the customers you refer?

The following are some common ways to do this.

  1. Become an Amazon Associate and then use Google Keyword Planner to find profitable keywords
  2. With over 1 million products to choose from on Amazon and the ability to generate up to 10% commission on every sale, Amazon Associates is a great place to start. Browse the most popular products to see how they relate to your site, or go a step further and use Google Keyword Planner to see how many people are searching for specific keywords. The more traffic you attract through affiliate marketing, the more profit you can make.
  3. Sign up for a reputable affiliate network
  4. In addition to Amazon, there are a large number of reputable affiliate networks, such as CJ, TradeDoubler, Impact abroad, Jingdong Affiliate, Taobao Affiliate, etc., that focus on connecting you with advertisers, and the merchants on these sites tend to offer higher commission rates.
  5. Research individual companies in your niche
  6. If possible, it is best to become a partner directly with a specific company (if they have an internal affiliate program). This is the preferred route for most successful affiliate marketers, but it takes more time because you have to do your own research to see which companies offer such programs (usually listed in the footer of your website).
  7. Now that you have chosen a niche and intend to sign up for a relevant affiliate program, it's time to create a website to increase traffic.
  8. How to build a personal blog site
  9. Launch and run a startup company

Dream of running your own business one day? Launching and expanding a high-growth startup can be the most difficult way to make money online, but it can also be the most promising pattern of growth.

There is money in the air, and if you can create services and tools that meet the rapidly growing needs of the market, it can be a very valuable business. However, there is no doubt that this requires a full investment of your time, energy and money.

Unlike many other businesses, company founders face a number of variables and obstacles that can impede success. First, you must gain an in-depth understanding of your potential customer base, the problems they face, and the solutions they are willing to pay for; then you need to become familiar with key competitors in the same field who may be good partners or acquisition opportunities; and finally, you have to understand how to raise capital, promote your product, hire talent, manage the business, maintain your finances, and other components. This may sound like a lot of work, but the payoff is worth it.

The following are some basic questions to consider when creating a company.

  1. What do people need? What are they missing? What solutions are currently available to optimize?
  2. Once you have an idea, the next step is to verify its viability. This means you need to produce some products, integrate updates, test market demand, and get pricing feedback to make sure there is enough profit between what it costs to produce and what customers are willing to pay.
  3. Finally, as the product idea and market validation solidify, you will need some way to get the initial investment.
  4. Development and sales of software

Whether it's a gadget needed for everyday life, a professional application to solve a specific problem, or a casual game to pass the time on your phone, it's easy to create a successful online business if you develop a software that is useful to people.

You may be thinking: most software and apps are now made by large companies or studios. Despite this, many successful apps, especially those in the Apple Store and Google Play, are created by individuals and small businesses. In fact, in 2016 alone, independent developers earned more than $20 billion through the app store.

Basically, there are 2 ways to make money through software.

  1. You have a disruptive idea, first use real customers to verify feasibility, then raise money to hire developers to create, launch and scale the software. If you've done everything right, then the Apple and Google stores will accept the software and you'll make money when people download or pay for it.
  2. Assuming you design and develop the software yourself, although it takes more time, you can retain more ownership in the business to better control the product.
  3. Launch e-commerce website to sell physical products

Launching an online store has never been easier, and sites like Shopify can help you quickly build a highly customizable, powerful e-commerce site and start selling products immediately.

This is probably one of the oldest and most time-tested ways to make money online, and many digital entrepreneurs have created sustainable online businesses by

  1. Creating physical products that people enjoy.
  2. Buy low-cost goods produced domestically, repackage or combine them with other products, and sell them in markets at higher prices.
  3. If you can make and sell unique products, you will likely have more success, but the initial costs and risks are also higher this way. On the other hand, if you can find some reasonably priced products on vendor platforms (e.g. 1688, AliExpress, LightInTheBox, etc.) and market them to your own audience, it can be a low-cost way to start making money.
  4. Whether you are selling your own products or reselling someone else's products, you need to think about inventory management. Even if you don't want to pay store rent, you still need to store your products somewhere. But that wasn't always the case, and in the past few years, another option has become very popular, called drop shipping (Dropshipping).
  5. With forwarding distribution, you will work with a manufacturer or wholesaler in order to sell your products. This way, you don't have to pay upfront costs to buy inventory, you don't take up warehouse space on unsold products, and you don't have to handle the shipping chain yourself. All you need to do is create your website, add your products, and attract customers to come and buy, and the partner will do everything else.
  6. Of course, the cost per product is higher, which leads to lower profits for you, but the biggest advantage is that you can launch an online store with just a Shopify theme and some product images. When a customer places an order, you purchase the product from the supplier and send it directly to the customer.
  7. No inventory, no need to manufacture products, no manual shipping - it may sound amazing, but it's all true. If you want to make some additions to your Shopify store, here are some very lucrative options.
  8. Amazon: Unlike forwarding delivery, Amazon allows you to place products in their warehouse for free 2-day shipping for Prime members. This has been shown to significantly increase sales.
  9. Etsy: Etsy is a great online marketplace if you have craft skills or unique products.
  10. eBay: This online auction giant remains a major shopping destination for many people and is particularly well suited to selling electronics, gadgets, clothing, and accessories.
  11. Brick-and-mortar: While scalability is minimal, local sales give people very good value for money and time.
  12. Be sure to consider the product listings carefully. In order to convince a potential customer to place an order, you must carefully write the title and description, as well as carefully take high-quality product images.
  13. How to create a Shopify online store
  14. How to create a WooCommerce online store
  15. Become a freelancer

If you have a suitable skill such as writing, design, marketing, web development, project management, or anything else, then one way to earn a sustainable income online is to become a freelancer.

Compared to the methods described earlier, many people are now earning a healthy six-figure income for themselves, although freelancing does not have the same scalability.

There are plenty of jobs and clients to be found on the Internet, but first, you need to find out if there is enough demand for your specialties. Search freelance articles on sites like Flexjobs, SolidGigs, Contena, greatcontent, etc. and see how many are similar to your current job? If the number is substantial and the demand is steady, put those skills on a shortlist and start researching the companies and industries that are hiring.

We have written a complete guide to freelancing and here is a short list of.

  1. Decide on your goals: Want to earn a little extra income? Or do you want to become a full-time freelancer? Working from home as a freelancer takes time, so it's important to know your goals from the start.
  2. Find a profitable niche: Which niches do your skills, interests, and values fit? Do you have professional experience as a technical writer? Do you have a long-standing PR relationship? Identify your unique value and then demonstrate that capability to potential clients.
  3. Identify target clients: Make a list of exactly who you want to work with, then start researching them and making lists to make sure your portfolio and emails are aligned with the companies you need to contact.
  4. Set the price of hire: In the beginning, the price you set may not be comparable to a full-time salary, but as time grows and you will gain more and more recognition from your clients, it will be easy to raise your offer.
  5. Sign up your first clients: Now it's time to find new clients and reach out to them via email or LinkedIn. Customize your personal image and demonstrate the special value you will bring to the table.
  6. You may start with small jobs and find that this saves a lot of time when you get used to freelancing without an employment contract.
  7. How to become a freelancer
  8. The best freelance platform recommendations
  9. Create online courses

If you're already an expert in a field -- either in your current job or freelancing -- you can package that knowledge into a high-value online course that you can continue to sell for years to come.

While creating, publishing and selling online courses requires a lot of upfront effort, you will be able to achieve greater success than with many other ways to make money. Courses, eBooks, and other knowledge products are what is known as passive income, and once you invest the upfront time and effort, with only a small amount of regular maintenance work, you can continue to sell and make money from them for months (or years) on end.

So, how do you put together your own online course? Our favorite success story comes from Bryan Harris of Videofruit, who built and launched an online course in just 10 days and earned $220,750! To reach this awesome goal, Bryan followed a complete process to discover, validate and launch his course:.

  1. Explore and discover the most appropriate course topics based on the most popular posts in the blog, which helps ensure which content will be of value to your audience.
  2. Determine through surveys and pre-sales that people will actually pay for the course. This is an important part that many people forget, don't spend time creating something that has no value unless you know there will be paying subscribers.
  3. Quickly design, record, and edit course content. Since the requirements are already clear, it makes sense to start as quickly as possible so that you can update and adjust based on initial student feedback.
  4. Try starting a course on an email list, no matter how small your audience is, this is usually the best place to start. In other words, you need to have a clear understanding of the release schedule before you commit to it.
  5. Now, what if you don't have a blog with popular articles? Nor do you have an email list for marketing? Don't worry, let's see how to set up your own online course with no experience:.
  6. Take other courses of interest: this is not only a great opportunity to analyze your competitors, but also to get an idea of how the course is designed and looks. What are the teaching steps like? Is it via email, video, face-to-face chat? Once you understand the design framework of the course, you can decide what it should include. How do you make your courses better? Do you have other experiences?
  7. Choose a niche and check demand: Finding a niche that matches your skills and unique experience helps to create a series of prime courses, and a good way to do this is to use Google Trends and Google's Keyword Planner to find keywords related to the course content. Are people actively looking for quality information on this topic? Of course, if you are already creating content for blogs, coaching, etc., then you can test the demand for free by using methods like those described above.
  8. Find partners and advocates: When creating a course, look for well-known people who also create content in the field, learn how their business works, and incorporate it into your own program. You can also connect with other influencers and create affiliate marketing programs for their courses. In this way, they can inspire their own audiences to share your content.
  9. Create a quality course experience: In order for a course to help you make money, you need to figure out in what way people want to receive it. Most creators use their own websites to host courses, and in this way they can regularly bring customers back to the site in order to market other products. On the other hand, the course experience is very important, and after trying most solutions, we highly recommend Teachable - an online platform designed for courses.
  10. Build an audience in your course community: If you're just starting to build an audience and want to find a community related to your course content, host and sell your own courses on sites like Skillshare or Udemy.
  11. Promote courses: The beauty of using online courses to make money is that you can always sell. Find relevant communities on Facebook, LinkedIn or Reddit, publish guest posts on blogs and websites, and find the right customers in the right other places. In just a few hours a month, you can continue to generate profits.
  12. Launch YouTube channel

Although YouTube has recently changed its profit plan, if you can attract 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 hours of viewing time in the last 12 months, it's still an incredibly lucrative place to make money.

YouTube is arguably the second largest search engine in the world (after Google), the third most visited in the world, and plays billions of videos every day! YouTube channels don't make money through subscriptions, but are based on a traditional advertising system where the more viewers you have, the more revenue you can earn. Once approved for the YouTube Partner Program, you can add ads to your videos and earn about $2-$4 per 1000 views, which may not seem like a lot, but if you have 100 videos, each with 5000 views per month, that's $1000-$2000, so imagine what happens when your videos reach millions!

Creating a YouTube channel is very similar to creating a blog or website, except that your job is to make videos rather than write them. The first step is to choose the type of video you want to create, and most successful YouTube channels fall into one of two categories.

  1. Education: People are always looking to find the fastest way to learn something new, and searches including the phrase How to are up 70% year-over-year, making YouTube a great place to teach knowledge.
  2. Entertainment: Web videos, product reviews, funny clips, video blogs, even game tutorials - you can engage your audience in many different ways.
  3. When you start creating and uploading content, use a high-quality camera (most smartphones will work, but we recommend at least using a tripod to make sure the footage doesn't shake.) The beauty of YouTube is that you can continue to test different content and styles as you find the right one. To optimize your videos for higher rankings, you can design compelling descriptions and previews that will help motivate people to click.
  4. How to start a successful YouTube channel
  5. record podcasts and share inspiring stories

Podcasts are very popular right now, and as our lives become busier, more and more people are looking for a passive way to receive content, making it a great opportunity to build an audience and make money online.

In order to earn extra income from podcasting, you may need a lot of time to build a large audience. John Lee Dumas' Entrepreneur on Fire now earns over $100,000 per month, in fact, John posts all his earnings online and has made over $15 million since launching in 2012.

To start a podcast, you need a niche of interest, come up with a list of topics you want to talk about, and then search podcast research sites like Google Trends and cast.market to see which topics are currently most popular. Next choose the right tools, there are various complex or simple options depending on your audio equipment requirements, but at the very least you need a microphone and software for recording. Finally, it's time to plan your show. You can use existing social networks, or find relevant listeners on Twitter and Facebook, or head to Medium or Amazon to find authors or experts specific to the topic.

If you like to learn new software or have experience in audio editing, then you can create your own post-production. Otherwise, you may need to look for third-party services, and platforms like Upwork or Fiverr have many related merchants.

Once you have your podcast ready, you can upload it to iTunes, SoundCloud, and other platforms to promote it along with other content. The final step is to decide how to profit, the more listeners you have, the more chances you have to profit. Create a website for your show, start sharing web episodes, and when you're ready to monetize, choose from several options.

  1. Traditional Advertising (Sponsor)
  2. Sell your own products
  3. Donations and Crowdfunding
  4. Sales Advanced Content
  5. Post to other platforms
  6. Part-time (or full-time) with a remote company

So far, most of our ideas for making money online can be done in your spare time, but if you want to completely change your career and start working online, there are thousands of companies that can hire you -- no matter where you're from.

More and more large companies and startups are becoming comfortable with telecommuting, and many remote positions are used for customer support, or other areas that don't require specialized skills. The even better news is that these positions do not require full time employment. If you're interested, here's a list of some of the best places to find remote jobs.

  1. Flexjobs
  2. SolidGigs
  3. We Work Remotely
  4. Remote.co
  5. Remotive
  6. SkipTheDrive
  7. Virtual Locations
  8. Remote OK
  9. Staff.com
  10. Working Nomads
  11. Jobspresso
  12. Europe Remotely
  13. Jobscribe
  14. WFH.IO
  15. Outsourcely
  16. PowerToFly
  17. Landing.Jobs
  18. AngelList
  19. Authentic Jobs
  20. The Muse
  21. Idealist
  22. Indeed
  23. online coaching

Similar to freelancing, you can sell your knowledge and advice in a field where you specialize as a coach or consultant, and many people are willing to pay for it. It's a great way to make money online, and unlike providing ongoing deliverables where you teach your clients how to be better, faster, and stronger than the competition, the product you sell is your own knowledge and experience.

There are now many online tools and communities that can help you easily find and teach clients in virtually any subject area you can think of. community platforms such as Savvy.is, Clarity.fm, Coach.me and others provide you with networks to interact with potential clients, as well as integrated payment solutions.

This is one of the fastest ways you can start generating revenue, all you need to do is create an online coaching community account and then share the expertise. Better yet, if you can find ways to package your experience and skills into an easy-to-understand program, then it's possible to expand this business model significantly.

  1. Production of audiobooks

The audiobook industry is booming, but only 5% of books are being produced in audio format. If you have a speaking or voiceover background, then you can earn more by recording audio versions of popular books. sites like ACX connect authors with readers, whether you are an author looking to sell more books or a voiceover person looking to earn extra income.

  1. writing and selling e-books

Many people dream of writing a book, but have never experienced it themselves; regardless, we believe you can have a valuable life experience by writing a book. By packaging knowledge into downloadable eBooks that help people learn skills and advance their careers, you can not only change their lives, but also make money from it.

Publishing an eBook is easy, you can upload it to Amazon, one of the world's largest booksellers, and you will be able to set prices, retain ownership of the book, and reach Amazon's large user base.

  1. Do small jobs on Amazon Mechanical Turk

Amazon Mechanical Turk is an online platform that allows you to earn money with paid services. Each task is simple, such as scoring search results, checking for correct spelling in search terms, categorizing article content, and basic text translation, among others. You can complete these tasks from anywhere and make money from the world's largest e-tailer.

  1. What is Amazon Mechanical Turk
  2. Join freelance websites

It takes a long time to become a well-paid freelancer, but there is more demand for freelancing than ever before, so you can easily make money in this field. Some of the top freelancing platforms include Upwork, Fiverr, Flexjobs, SolidGigs, Contena, PeoplePerHour, and many more. Sign up for an account, fill out your profile, upload your resume, and start earning money with small tasks.

Even if you already have a lot of experience, these platforms are a good option to increase your income.

  1. How to make money on Fiverr
  2. Email Marketing

How many emails do you get bombarded with every day? Email marketing to interested subscribers is one of the best ways to make money online, and there are even multi-million dollar businesses (such as theSkimm and Mister Spoils) that have been built from simple email newsletters. Each newsletter offers interesting daily content targeted to a specific subscriber, while also working with relevant advertisers and affiliate marketing agencies to bring in additional revenue.

Tools such as MailChimp, ConvertKit, and AWeber make it easy to use email marketing, and another option worth considering is SendPulse -- allowing you to send up to 15,000 emails per month to 2,500 subscribers for free.

  1. The Ultimate Guide to Email Marketing
  2. test website

You probably know the criteria for a good website very well. Is the design clean and easy to navigate? Does the content of the articles make sense? Fortunately, there are many companies out there that want to hear your ideas, and they'll even pay good money for them: most sites pay $10 per 20 minutes of browsing, or $30 per hour!

To test these sites, you need to peruse them and record real feedback and ideas. Some of the most popular services include UserTesting, Userlytics, TryMyUI, Userfeel, TestingTime, Side Income Jobs, and more.

  1. Sell crafts and art on Etsy

Etsy is the most popular online marketplace for crafts and artwork, from bracelets and rings to phone cases, furniture and more, this site is perfect for sellers who are creative and want to sell handmade items. As long as you have the free time, you can make it one of the best ways to make money online.

While Etsy is a great place to help get potential customers to find you, once you're up and running and have a significant number of followers, it's time to move your store to Shopify and earn more revenue.

  1. Become an influencer on Instagram

After gaining followers on Instagram, you will be able to make money online quickly and many multinational brands, local businesses, and even startups are willing to pay $500-$5,000 per post.

While building a large fan base is becoming increasingly difficult, if you have a solid niche and post quality photos regularly, it only takes a few small tweaks to make yourself an influencer.

  1. How to get more followers on Instagram
  2. Sell art and design on Society6

While Etsy is a fantastic gathering place for crafts, if you have a killer one-of-a-kind design -- a phone case, a t-shirt, a pillow, a duvet, etc. -- then try selling it for free on Society6. The platform allows artists to upload designs and create stores where the same design can be used to make a range of amazing products, and whenever someone places an order, they can print and ship them on demand and then give you a cut of the profits.

  1. How to create a store on Society6
  2. How to make money on Society6
  3. Selling photos

If you like to take pictures, then you can sell them to online gallery sites like ShutterStock, Depositphotos, iStockPhoto, etc. and get royalties every time someone buys an image you submit. However, to be really successful, it's best to build your own photography website to showcase a diverse portfolio of galleries and get higher paying private corporate jobs.

  1. How to make money through photography gallery websites
  2. Rent a house on Airbnb

By renting a spare bedroom from Airbnb, you can not only earn extra income online, but also meet new people from all over the world. You can even rent out a brand new apartment to be managed like an Airbnb.

But don't make the mistake of thinking this is a passive source of income -- you'll have to stay on call whenever you have guests, and keep the whole house clean and tidy. In addition to renting, you may want to consider offering additional services to your guests.

  1. How to rent a house on Airbnb
  2. Launch of online T-shirt business

Sometimes it's hard to understand how much people like t-shirts. With the right niche, marketing and tools, you can create a profitable online t-shirt business that makes money while you sleep. teespring makes this job easier, they handle the printing, sales and logistics, you just need to design and market.

  1. Online Sales T-shirt Course Training
  2. Sell expertise on Clarity.fm

Hundreds, if not thousands, of business owners would love to hear you speak if you have extensive experience and expertise in a specific field. It's an easy way to earn extra money and hone your skills.

Sites like Clarity.fm allow you to create a profile and business owners will pay in advance and then talk to you on the phone over a period of time. Whether you're helping startups raise money, developing apps, or running local restaurants, you can earn extra income.

  1. Answer professional questions on JustAnswer

Technical information and expertise is an effective way to earn extra income online, and if you don't like talking over the phone, then sign up for a JustAnswer account and get paid for answering professional questions. On this platform, there are thousands of questions every month that require the help of lawyers, doctors, technicians, veterinarians and other professionals. In order to be vetted, you will need to provide professional credentials, a resume and proof of identity.

  1. Become a virtual assistant

If you like to keep things in order, then help people keep order and make money online as a virtual assistant. Virtual assistants will do everything from bookkeeping, research, data entry, booking travel, managing email, and more. In addition, you can engage with some very important people in order to build your professional network, and platforms like Upwork, Fiverr, Indeed, and Remote.co are great places to find tasks.

  1. How to become a virtual assistant
  2. As a commission-only salesperson

If you are willing to take some risks and know how to pull in customers, then you can help companies such as startups with sales. While you won't get a regular paycheck, each sale can generate a significant commission income for you. On top of that, since it's likely you'll be working with startups, you can even talk about a little equity when you successfully pitch a solid product.

To improve your sales skills, you can check out some of the best online courses such as the Online Sales Prospecting Course on Udemy, The Entrepreneur's Guide to Pitching Clients on CreativeLive and Getting Sales, and more. When you're ready, head over to AngelList and see what sales positions are of interest.

  1. Publish articles on Medium

Medium is a popular online community where anyone can post articles and essays and reach millions of readers each month. medium's partner program not only builds an audience for your blog, but also helps you make money when people read your articles.

  1. Proofreading articles

As long as the written word exists, there will be editors. Not only can freelance editing and proofreading pay a pretty good hourly wage, it also gives you the opportunity to learn about potentially interesting topics. What's more, pursuing freelance writing and editing can provide you with a different kind of lifestyle, allowing you to circumnavigate the ocean of knowledge as a digital nomad. You can find job postings on Contena that require writing, proofreading and editing services, which is a great opportunity to make money online.

  1. Add private labels to Amazon products and sell them

Amazon sells over 500 million products each month, making it a rare opportunity to make money online. But, like many other complicated things, you have to do a lot of work to make money. one option from Amazon allows you to find products that are already made and buy and sell them at a discount. For example, you can research common products such as clocks, key chains, mugs, etc., label them with your own brand and sell them again.

  1. Get paid in the course of the campaign

It's not a lot, but if you're fit and want to make some extra money online, then AchieveMint will offer rewards for tasks like daily walking, tracking your diet, health surveys, and more. The app works by connecting to fitness apps you may already use, such as Fitbit, RunKeeper, Healthkit, MyFitnessPal, and more, and you'll get points for certain actions, redeemable for $10 per 10,000 points.

  1. Company data entry

If you are a careful observer and a fast typist, then you can earn money by helping some companies with data entry by simply searching for data entry jobs on platforms like craigslist, Indeed, Upwork, etc.

  1. Maintain the artist's fan page

Your favorite artist, musician or entrepreneur may need help maintaining their fan page on Twitter, Facebook and other social media. If you have some background in this area, then look for related tasks through Fiverr.

  1. buying and selling domain names

Domain name trading has been around for the past few decades, and while most good names have long been registered, there are still plenty of leaks that can make you money. In fact, you always have the opportunity to acquire a unique domain name and sell it to a multi-billion dollar market cap company in the future.

  1. The best domain name registrar recommendations
  2. Analysis of company data

Many companies will pay for good people who are good at data analysis, which is a potential way to make money online. Platforms like Fiverr and Upwork are just two of the many sites that are perfect for freelancers with analytical skills.

  1. Purchase of existing websites

Websites are different from stocks, and while most are junk, some can generate significant income for you, making the purchase of existing websites a viable way to make money online. You can buy and sell websites in order to generate future revenue based on user traffic, current revenue, domain value, or other hidden factors that may be overlooked.
